Loving God Growing Together
About Us
Our Vision
Connecting all people to Christ and each other through worship, education, service, and fellowship.
Our Mission
To make disciples of all people through a faithful ministry of Word and Sacrament.
Our Promise
We are here to help you to form a relationship with God by providing a place for you to hear His Word, receive His gifts, and be with His people in worship and fellowship. This is a place where you can develop a Christian worldview, find opportunities to serve your community, receive Godly counsel, and be involved in faith growth with the whole family.
We are here…
To serve St. Peters' members, and to establish in its midst the office of the holy ministry, by the preaching of the Work of God (John 20:21-23, Romans 10:14-17) through regular worship services, and by the administration of the sacraments (Acts 2:42) and by loving application of church discipline according to Matthew 18: 15-17.
To provide Christian education to young and old alike, through a program that encourages and promotes private study, public teaching and mutual sharing of the truths of His Word (2 Timothy 3:15-17, John 21:15-16).
To share the Gospel with the un-churched of the community by an active program of local evangelism (Acts 1:8).
To engage in and give financial support to the missionary work of spreading the Gospel throughout the world (Matthew 28:19-20).
To promote Christian fellowship and love for one another, for mutual edification and up-building through the operation of the Holy Spirit.
We Believe…
We are a member congregation of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (www.LCMS.org). As such, we believe, teach, and confess that the Old and New Testaments of the Bible are the true and inerrant Word of God.
We believe that Jesus Christ died for the sins of all humanity and rose again for our salvation. In our church services, you will hear the comfort of this Gospel, the hope of the resurrection of the dead, and instruction for Christian living.
You will also find the sacraments (baptism and holy communion) practiced according to God’s own command and consistent with the earliest Christians.
As a part of the LCMS, our authority is the Bible, and we hold to the Biblical doctrines explained in the Book of Concord.
For more information, please contact Pastor Paul Crolius.